We know... You thought you had to go all country bumpkin to bag a pair of killer duck boots for the winter, you urban bad-ass, you. Well, you were wrong, these Sorels are back in black. Let's kick it over to GQ's Jim Moore:
"Sorel boots have been around for ages and everyone clomps around in them in the slush. They're typically fur-lined, brown, and extremely utilitarian. But when I saw them in all black and lined in plaid, I thought, 'That's the stealth boot of the season.' I'm not advocating walking around the office in them in a suit, but I think we all need a bit of style when it's raining. Even when boots are in style, there are those boots that look strictly weekend, and are too beat-up, but these are chic and simple."
$175. Park & Bond has them, here. In fact, they're one of our Best of GQ Endorses.
Read More http://www.gq.com/style/blogs/the-gq-eye/2012/01/the-daily-endorsement-sorel-kitchner-frost-snow-boots.html#ixzz1iWSf5ldB