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vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

6 feluri de legat esarfa

Asta numai pentru ca ma doare ingrozitor gatul de cateva zile. Nu-mi mai trebuie cravata. Ma sufoca. E mult prea soare pentru decembrie si mult prea soare pentru un fular gros din lana.
Am dat costumul si cravata deoparte si le-am inlocuit cu o pereche de pantaloni din twill si un pulover din casmir. Am evitat o maleta, caci sunt proaspat barbierit si ma irit. Solutia pentru protectia gatului? O esarfa. Simpla sau cu un model imprimat, va satisface din plina cerinta prima in materie de haine: functionalitatea. Pana sa ajunga la latura lor informala sau estetica, hainele sunt, in primul rand, functionale – apara, protejeaza, etanseaza.
Nu stiu care e felul tau preferat de a-ti face nod la esarfa, dar iti dau cateva idei. Care dintre ele e pe placul tau?

Tinute de Iarna de pe

Daca nu stiai deja, este un site extrem de popular al comunitatii de stil internationale, unde sunt adunate zeci de mii de fotografii cu tinute cu stil.
Am fost extrem de incantat sa vad ca pot sa includ pe blog orice tinuta apare pe site, totul conform termenilor si conditiilor site-ului.
Am aruncat o privire peste tinutele barbatesti de iarna si vreau sa iti prezint o mica parte din ele. Calitatea fotografiilor este excelenta iar tinutele sunt geniale. Te las cu pozele.
Tinuta 1: Oleg din Moscova
Esarfa circulara gri plus sacou sport negru plus bluza rosu aprins plus pantaloni chino rosu inchis. O tintua simpla si totusi efectul vizual este unul estrem de interesant.
Combinatia de bluza + pantaloni poate fi aplicata schimband culorile. De exemplu, bluza veerde aprins cu pantaloni chino verde inchis.
Tinuta a 2-a: Adam din Polonia
Si aceasta a doau tinuta contine o esarfa circulara. Imi place foarte mutl asortarea intre geanta si incaltaminte.
Tinuta a 3-a: Adam din Riverside
Imi place imprimeul acestui pulover care te duce automat cu gandul la iarna. Imi place si esarfa rosie care contrasteaza excelent cu restul tinutei. Se para ca pana si caietul din mana stanga e asortat cu puloverul.
Tinuta a 4-a: Bobby din Toronto
Desi nu multa lume agreeaza purtatul unei geci din denim cu jeansi, tinuta lui Bobby este una care are multe de spus. Ce altceva ar merge mai bine cu o geaca din denim decat o camasa casual cadrilata?
Sa mai observat si esarfa tot cadrilata. Mi-ar fi placut ca cele doua imprimeuri sa fie de dimensiuni diferie. Sa mai remarcam si sapca si geanta de umar care par sa se asorteaze (nuantele par a fi putin diferite).
Tinuta a 5-a: Romain din Paris
Iata ce inseamna sa iti exprimi individualitatea: sa incalci regulile pentru a te exprima. Desi jeansii rupti nu fac parte din recomandarile mele, Romain ii poarta iar tinuta arata super.
Cand incalci o regula trebuie sa te intrebi daca rezultatul final este ceea ce iti doresti. Majoritatea baietilor de la noi care poarta asemenea jeansi, nu se gandesc si la restul tinutei. Romain a facut-o si ne-a dat o lectie foarte valoroasa.
Tinuta a 6-a: acelasi Adam din Polonia
A trebuit sa editez articolul proaspat publicat pentru ca am vrut neaparat sa includ aceasta poza. Petele de culoare de pe manusi respectiv esarfa circulara o fac de neegalat. Excelent!
Acestea au fost doar cateva din imensa colectie de imagini ce se afla pe Daca dai click pe oricare din poze vei fi dus pe site, unde iti poti face propriu tau cont si vei putea sa iti adaugi propriile poze. Vei putea apoi sa votezi si sa fii votat.

ESQUIRE:Shoe Porn: Boss Black Raidie Boot

Walk in these because they're actually waterproof.
Raidie boot ($195) by Boss Black,

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ESQUIRE:Shoe Porn: Keds Oiled Leather Booster

Walk in these because they're an update of the classic for a new season.
Booster oiled leather ($80) by Keds,

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ESQUIRE:Something Cool We Saw Online: Job Interview Visuals

We're not sure if the annotation "nails trimmed" says more about men who interview for casual jobs in the world we now live or if it just suggests a commendable attention to small details. Regardless, this is a pretty good diagram for the hurried man. We will say, however, that "nails trimmed" should be a general, everyday rule, no matter if you're seeking new employment.
Check the length of your nails and check this out at The Art of Manliness.

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GQ:A Hairy Affair: The New York City Beard Competition

beards02.jpgMyk O'Connor, competitive beard grower and facial hair enthusiast, has a few rules for those he meets for the first time: first, no touching.
"You gotta ask first. I tell women: 'If you don't, I'll grab your breast.' That usually stops them." Second, never light his cigarette. And last but not least: "No ZZ Top references. Please."
Attendees stuck to his rules for the most part at last Saturday's New York City Beard Competition. Held at Club Europa, a run-down club-ish bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn that gave off the vibe of Krakow's best discothèque circa 1987, the packed house of mostly hipsters and their ilk rowdily cheered the more than 50 competitors as they marched across the small stage.
To compete is not just to present your lovingly coiffed facial hair, but to also perform, to ham it up for the not-sober masses. You do whatever it takes to impress, be it dressing up as a Wild West gun-toter, elegantly bowing one's head to a few inches above the sticky bar floor, or manically jumping around stage after throwing a half-full can of beer into the audience (that guy didn't win).
Accompanied by Adam Realman, a Coney Island vaudevillian performer, Myk commanded the stage for the evening. He's president of the Gotham City Beard Alliance (GCBA) and a regular on the competitive facial hair series Whisker Wars on IFC. A beard contestant for three years running, he's become a common face on the circuit, despite not yet winning at Nationals. His natural ease and self-awareness ("What we do is somewhat ridiculous", he said) make him a spokesman of sorts for the community.
In its current iteration, the GBCA has a core group of a baker's dozen members, with four times that many who participate on a semi-regular basis. They travel the country and enter into competitions held by groups much like their own in virtually every major American city, hoping to earn trophies and bragging rights (there's not a whole lot of cash to be won in this sport) and to raise funds for non-profits – this particular evening's proceeds went to the breast cancer awareness group Keep A Breast.
Competitors entered into one of seven categories, loosely based around the guidelines of the internationally recognized World Beard & Moustache Championships: Full Natural (the most revered—just a beard measuring longer than eight inches from the bottom lip), Freestyle (a gussied-up sculpture of human hair; the court jester to the full-natural king) Partial Beard (not necessarily long; just an awesomely maintained strap of facial hair), 99% Beard (a mysteriously defined reference to Occupy Wall Street—timely!—and not much different from the partial category), the Fake (an opportunity for cute women to don facial hair), and Natural and Styled Moustache (neither of which get as much veneration as the beards, but which are no less impressive).
So what is the motivation to participate, to wear a hobby so publicly that it will inevitably be the first thing talked about with any given stranger? There were as many answers as there were competitors: Myk says that it's the most natural thing that a man can do. Neil Moherman, an Ohio-based Full Natural competitor, thinks that it's the best outward expression of his individuality. One moustache enthusiast expounded, "the best part about having a moustache is carrying the taste of a woman on you all day long. It's also the worst."
In the end, some dudes won plaques and grooming products, and others didn't. But as the crowds spilled onto the quiet Brooklyn street, passed the club kids waiting for Europa to revert back to its four-on-the-floor essence, one was most struck by the strength of the oddball yet devoted community that competitive beard growers have built. Oh, and also their scent. "Did you smell their beards when you get up close?" asked a fellow reporter. We did. It wasn't pretty.

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GQ:In the Magazine: Give Winter the Fingers

There's nothing more maddening than having to pull your gloves off every time you need to send a text, hit the ATM, or flick a Zippo, especially since it just ups the likelihood that you'll end up dropping one on the street. So this year, we're leaving the gloves on—which is easy, because these fingerless options are now everywhere. We're not talking about the kind favored by Joey Ramone but about a handful of knit options from places like Gap. These come in two color variations and cost all of twenty bucks. Wear them with a suit to the office or with corduroy on the weekend. Either way, that vibrant band around the wrist will make your winter grays a little less, well, gray.
$20, available at

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GQ:The Week in Style: 12.09.11

David Beckham in Los Angeles.Nobody pulls off tats better than Beckham (apologies, GQ Mark). And speaking of contrast, his look best next to the glam of a Rolex.

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[VIDEO] Oamenii de stiinta au "descurcat" genomul uman

[VIDEO] Oamenii de stiinta au "descurcat" genomul uman
Sursa: Daily Mail
Acest "ghemotoc" cuprinde toate informatiile care ne-ar putea ajuta sa intelegem cum functionam. Afla ce spun expertii.
Genomul uman cuprinde atat de multa informatie, incat ar trebui sa aiba doi metri lungime, sustin oamenii de stiinta. Cu toate acestea.... el incape in nucleul oricarei celule din corpul nostru.

Cercetatorul Erez Liebermann Aiden a prezentat, pentru prima ora, cum un genom se „impacheteaza”, pentru a incapea intr-un spatiu atat de mic, scrie Daily Mail.

El ia forma unei „globule fractale”, ceva asemanator unui ghem de lana sau a unor taitei. Felul in care se „impatureste” ar putea releva secretul functionarii celulelor.

Cercetatorii spun ca acesta ar functiona precum titlurile articolelor din ziare – informatia este acolo, impaturita, insa este pozitionata asemeni unor seturi de cuvinte care alcatuiesc „titlul”.

Aiden sustine ca nu exista niciun nod in interiorul genomului, si ca el poate fi „despachetat” si „impachetat” cu usurinta.

Iata un clip video in care este "descurcat" genomul uman.

[VIDEO] Extraterestrii sunt mai aproape de noi decat credeam

[VIDEO] Extraterestrii sunt mai aproape de noi decat credeam
Un obiect gigantic, aproape cat o planeta, a aparut pe radarele astronomilor langa planeta Mercur. Fanaticii cred ca este vorba de un OZN.
Obiectul a aparut de nicaieri, intr-o serie de imagini ale coroanei Soarelui, realizate de un telescop NASA. Pe masura ce lumina trece pe langa planeta, un obiect rotund apare langa ea,cercetatorii NASA descriindu-l ca fiind un efect al procesarii imaginilor, scrie Daily Mail.

Inregistrarea a fost facuta cu telescopul Heliospheric Imager -1 si postat pe YouTube, unde peste 100.000 de oameni l-au vazut. Descrierea clipului suna in felul urmator: „E cilindric pe ambele fete si are o forma la mijloc. Arata cu siguranta ca o nava si, evident, este ascunsa”.

Imaginea a fost analizata de Laboratorul de Cercetare Navala din SUA, iar inginerul care s-a ocupat de acest caz, Nathan Rich, a explicat ca obiectul este, de fapt, imaginea planetei Mercur din ziua precedenta.

Sensation, in premiera in Romania!

Sensation, in premiera in Romania!
Pe 21 aprilie 2012, in premiera in Romania, Sensation, cel mai cunoscut eveniment dance din Europa, transforma Pavilionul Central al Romexpo Bucuresti in “Ocean of White”.
Peste un million si jumatate de oameni din 20 de tari de pe 4 continente au participat pana acum la Sensation, unul dintre cele mai titrate branduri de eveniment de pe mapamond. 

Dincolo de dress-code-ul obligatoriu care l-a facut faimos si care se pastreaza (toti participantii se imbraca in mod traditionalexclusiv in alb), Sensation este un show complex, glamour, un cocktail sclipitor de muzica, dans, lumini, teatru, coregrafie si efecte pirotehnice. DJ faimosi la nivel international mixeaza o noapte intreaga intr-un decor fantastic, opulent

Accesul este permis exclusiv persoanelor peste 18 ani.

In fiecare vara, in Amsterdam, orasul natal al acestui fenomen, se lanseaza un spectacol nou, bazat pe renumitul dress-code "be part of the night, dress in white" inainte de a porni in turneu in intreaga lume.

In Romania, Sensation debuteaza in aprilie 2012 cu Ocean of White, un show celebru: o imersiune in translucid, intr-un univers fabulos, populat cu gigantice, uluitoare creaturi maritime, DJ, dansatori, focuri de artificii, cascade de apa, lasere si multe altele.

“La Ocean of White sunt asteptati peste 15 000 de participanti. O cota parte din pretul biletelor pleaca in scopuri caritabile la fundatia Dance4Life, o platforma internationala de lupta impotriva HIV, sustinuta in aceste moment de aproape o jumatate de milion de oameni din intreaga lume", a declarat Sorina Burlacu, Director General Events.

"Asteptam cu nerabdare debutul Sensation in Romania. Suntem incantati sa colaboram cu Events, promoter cu o indelungataexperienta, in care suntem siguri ca am gasit partenerul corect. Impreuna, promitem fanilor romani unul dintre cele mai bune evenimente ale anului 2012. Ca peste tot in lume, line-up-ul, compus din DJ de top, va fi anuntat cu doua luni inainte de eveniment. Sensation este insa un show unic in care DJ-ii completeaza un spectacol de exceptie”, a declarat Bas Meijer, Managing Director Sensation.

Incepand de astazi, 8 decembrie, biletele au intrat in vanzare in reteaua Eventim. Primele 1000 de bilete in Ring au un pret special de 175 de lei. Biletele la categoria Deluxe costa 440 lei, iar la categoria VIP, 770 lei (loc rezervat la masa & voucher consumatie bar 100 lei incluse). 

Dupa epuizarea primelor 1000 de bilete la pret special, biletele in Ring vor costa 240 lei. 

Tichetele sunt disponibile in reteaua nationala Eventim din magazinele Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, librariile Carturesti si Humanitas si pe Pot fi achizitionate si in doua rate lunare, doar prin CardAvantaj, la sediul Eventim din str. Polona nr. 15.