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miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

ESQUIRE:Today's List of a List: AskMen's Most Influential Men

Sure, being influential is important. Being good at what you do, and not only being good at what you do, but being so good that you inspire others to do what they do well, too. But we'd argue that just as important is being stylish while you do that. Today, AskMen compiled a list of the 49 most influential men. So, we made our own list (from that list) of the five men who combine influence with killer style. Our annotations:
5. Kanye West
They say:  "...My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, West's magnum opus, revealed the artist in all his blowhard splendor and was hailed an instant genre classic (but what genre?). Then the self-proclaimed douchebag holed up in some mansion with his kinda famous, kinda talented friend and mentor Jay-Z to drop Watch the Throne, one of the most secretive, epic, grandiose rap albums of 2011 — maybe ever."
We say: West's ability to co-opt street-style trends — the myriad of bracelets on each wrist, dress jackets with a t-shirt underneath — revealed the artist in all his blowhard splendor and was hailed an instant genre classic (but what genre? Oh, low-meets-high fashion). Then the self-proclaimed douchebag put out his own women's-wear line in Paris. Secretive. Epic. Grandiose. 
9. Ryan Gosling
They say: "When a video of Ryan Gosling breaking up a fight between two men in Manhattan recently went viral, nobody seemed too shocked at the actor's willingness to intervene."
We say: Did you see him on our cover? Look at that guy. Of course he has the gall to break up a street fight. 
14. George Clooney
They say: "Last summer, rumors swirled as to why Clooney ended his two-year-long relationship with Elisabetta Canalis, but we can take a pretty good guess: It was to make room for his new roommate in Lake Como, who goes by the name Oscar."
We say: Elisabetta Canalis was a tragic loss for all of us. If anyone can get through it with swagger, though, it's Clooney.
28. Chris Hemsworth
They say: "With The Avengers and Snow White and the Huntsman on the way, it seemed Hemsworth was shaping up to be another Jason Statham. Then he signed on to star in Oscar-winner Ron Howard's Formula 1 movie, Rush, in 2013. Hemsworth might just be the next Brad Pitt after all."
We say: Look at that hair.
46. Justin Timberlake
They say: "Justin Timberlake sure loves proving people wrong. When critics griped that the former N’syncer couldn't make the transition from tween idol to respected artist, he went out and won a bunch of Grammys."
We say: He should probably be higher up on this list. If only because one of our writers went incognito at Comic-Con with Timberlake disguised as Bert and Ernie.
Photo Credit: Getty Images

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