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vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

Informații utile despre sezonul toamnă-iarnă

Oricât de mult aș scrie despre acest sezon, singur nu pot acoperi toată informațiaÎn monentul de față, am undeva la 650 de articole publicate. Astfel, am să-ți pun la dispoziție link-uri pierdute prin arhivă, dar care îți vor fi foarte utile, deoarece sunt pline de informații utile dedicate acestui sezon.
Lista este destul de lungă și pentru majoritatea cititorilor noi, le-ar prinde bine.
Aceste informații, am să ți le împart pe categorii și mai departe te descurci.
Materiale și imprimeu
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Game of the Year - Best of 2011 Award Nominees

Night Clubbin’

This is a topic we get plenty of questions about: going out wear.
Here, Alex and I got together to lay down some ideas for a night out to a “fancy” high-end club.
1. The Black Shirt
Black shirts, in my opinion, are strictly for night. They can look sharp and sleek without getting confused for officewear.
Bonus Tip: If you’re going out in a suit, leave the tie at home, unfasten 2 or 3 buttons, and make it’s the right suit (think slim, textured, and softly constructed).
Bonus Tip II:  A button-down is the best collar to wear open, it stands on it’s own and frames the face rather than creeping under the lapels.
Bonus Tip III: As you can see from most of these looks, a black and grey palette is always safe for a night out.
Bonus Tip IV: If you plan on really cutting a rug, a black shirt is a great sweat concealer.
Grey hopsack suit by MAB by Dan Trepanier (available here). Black shirt by Hugo by Hugo Boss (M – taken in). Watch and band by Montblanc. Cashmere pocket square by Armstrong & Wilson. 
2. Three-Piece Approachable
My girlfriend and I share the same opinion here – this type of look is ideal for attracting the opposite sex.
The key is to cross elements that are put-together, established and confident without looking stuffy, cocky, or unapproachable.
Basically you want to look successful and experienced (like a man who owns a sharply tailored 3-piece suit) but also look easy to talk to and loose enough to have a good time (like a guy who wears an open-neck henley and sockless loafers).
I tried to show this same basic principle through all the looks in this post.
Bonus Tip: A three-piece can be dressed down. Pair it with a t shirt (v, crew, henley, etc.) and you have an instant chic look that takes little time or effort.
Bonus Tip II: Just because you’re wearing a suit, doesn’t mean you have to act like one. Don’t be afraid to get a little sweaty on the dance floor, or spill a drink. They’re just clothes, live in them.
Bonus Tip III: Be well groomed. Women will notice.
Three-piece charcoal suit by MAB by Dan Trepanier (Fall 2011, coming soon). Henley by Polo Ralph Lauren. Watch and band by Montblanc. Pocket square by Armstrong and Wilson. Loafers by Salvatore Ferragamo. 
3. Lightweight Leather
Anybody can look cool in a thin black leather jacket.
Not only does it give a cool tough-guy vibe, it’s the perfect layer because you don’t have to take it off when you enter the club.
Bonus Tip: These are suit trousers, they are no different than any other trousers that don’t come with a matching jacket.
Bonus Tip II: Don’t over layer. I’ve lost one too many jackets during nights out, so now I plan strategically so I won’t have to remove any layers. (This helps if you decide to sneak out the back door with a new friend as well ;)
Leather jacket and alligator belt by Ralph Lauren Purple Label (M). Band collar shirt by Club Monaco (sample). Trousers by MAB by Dan Trepanier (part of suit, Fall 2011, coming soon). Frames by Matsuda. Lace-ups by Barker Black.
4. F-You Formal
The ultimate high/low mix.
It’s a white dinner jacket – perfect for daytime formal events, but works just as well over a t-shirt on a Saturday night.
Bonus Tip: This is a simple t-shirt & jeans look (approachable) with an unconventional, style-forward jacket thrown over it (confident, elegant). It’s that simple.
Bonus Tip II: Not all t-shirts are created equal. Keep your undershirts separate from your going-out tees (think higher quality cotton, more elegant neckline, and better fit through the body).
Dinner jacket by Michael Andrews Bespoke. T-shirt by Alexander Wang (S). Jeans by Rag & Bone (34). Loafers by Bally. Watch by Brera Orologi. Railroad spike cuff and leather strap bracelet by Giles & Brother.  
 5. Tailored Simple
Less is more. It’s menswear, it should be clean, comfortable and natural.
While an over-embellished look (which seams very popular in menswear right now) can be cool and make a statement, from my experience, this is not what attracts the opposite sex. You want to draw attention to yourself, not to your outfit.
Keep is simple, well-tailored, and leave it up to you to do the talking.
Bonus Tip:  High-end clubs often don’t allow sneakers. A comfortable loafer or driving shoe (preferably with rubber bottoms, for grip) is a nice alternative – whether your hitting the dance floor or manuevering your way to a crowded bar.
Disclaimer: Here at the thestyleblogger we do not promote smoking. This site has done well, in part, because we keep it real. And yes, after a long night out, I’ll occasionally have a smoke. By now we all know the risks and consequences – and we’re grown enough to make our own decisions. Nevertheless, consider it more of a art prop here for the photo – as with the shades (after all, there are times when your eyes simply aren’t photo-ready).
Shirt by Ralph Lauren Black Label. Trousers by MAB by Dan Trepanier (part of suit, Fall 2011 – Coming Soon).  Bamboo bit loafers by Gucci. Watch and alligator band by Montblanc.

Comfortable but Not Sloppy – A New Way to Wear Sweats

For the most part, after college I updated my casual wardrobe by trading in most of my team-issued Nike sweats (which were always at least two sizes too big) for some soft denim and chunky sweaters.
From time to time, however, yes there are days when I just want the soft comfort and stretch of fleece – but that doesn’t mean I’m rolling out of bed in head-to-toe Columbia gear.
The trick to not looking sloppy is to invest in proper-fitting sweats with an updated silhouette and mixing them with other pieces from your wardrobe.
Here, some comfortable but not sloppy looks incorporating fleece pieces.
1. “Tailored” Sweat Pants
Same sweat pants, different shape. Slim, tapered, trouser waistband with fly, hemmed, 2″ cuff.
These look similar to flannel trousers, but feel more like pajamas. With a pima cotton t-shirt, cashmere sweater and unlined cotton jacket it doesn’t get much more comfortable than this – while still looking stylish and presentable.
Bonus Tip: These are the same pants that I throw on when I roll out of bed Sunday morning, but because of their fit they can be repurposed for a number of occasions.
…For those long-time followers, you might remember these pants from the very first time that I published a photo of myself on the site (which I used to write anonymously). See the old post on the original version of thestyleblogger.comHERE.
Bonus Tip II: Mixing very casual pieces (like these pants) with sharper ones (like this unstructured jacket) can make for a unique and visually interesting look.
Bonus Tip III: If the inseam is hemmed and the leg is tapered properly you can pair your sweats with more than just sneakers or sandals. Try boots, loafers, or even lace-ups as shown here.
Fleece trousers by Woolrich (size 34). Cotton unlined blazer by Theory (size 40). Plaid cashmere cardigan by Brooks Brothers Black Fleece (size 2). T-Shirt by Ralph Lauren Polo (size M). White suede brogue captoe shoes by Moreschi.
2. The Hoody’s Sexier Cousin
A fleece shawl collar cardigan is more flattering, better for layering, and just as comfortable as the typical fleece hoody that every man owns.
In fact, I find it even more comfortable since you can open or close the front to regulate your body temperature and you don’t have to pull it over your head to take it off.
Bonus Tip: transition your boat shoes to Fall by wearing them with socks…and as we spoke about last post, you don’t have to be shy about it. If you’re looking for more inspiration, take a look at this example of badass hosiery.
Bonus Tip II: In a perfectly edited wardrobe (which I do not have), just about every piece can be interchanged with one another – this includes the waistcoat from a three-piece business suit, boat shoes, and your “Sunday sweats”.
Fleece shawl cardigan by Canterbury of New Zealand (size M). Jeans ad plaid shirt by Polo Ralph Lauren (size 34 and size M custom fit, respectively). Navy waistcoat (part of 3-piece suit) by MAB (bespoke, my own design). Navy/Grey/White striped socks by Paul Smith. Canvas boat shoes by Sperry. Watch by Montblanc.
3. The Knit Blazer
Another great combination of casual and dress: the knit blazer.
Again, it feels no different than a typical hoody, but looks a hell of a lot sharper.
This is a simple t-shirt, jeans and sneakers look – but now you don’t have to go home and change before you meet up with that girl. And if all goes well, she’ll love keeping warm and cozy in it while you cook breakfast ;)
Bonus Tip: It’s not quite heavy outerwear season yet. It’s moderate outerwear + scarf + gloves season.
Piped knit jacket by Rugby (size M). T-shirt by Fruit of the Loom (size M). Scarf by Kennth Cole. Jeans by Polo Ralph Lauren (size 34). Sneakers by Nike. Watch by Montblanc. Grey suede gloves (in jacket pocket) by Thom Browne. Shades (in breast pocket) by Persol.
4. Okay – If You Must Go Full-Sweats
If the situations calls for supreme comfort, you can go full sweats - once in a while.
Again, just keep the items fitted, the silhouette classic, the color palette neutral and the accessories light – as well as the mood.
Bonus Tip: Aside from looking much better, slim sweats have other advantages over looser, baggier ones. They are sleeker to the body so there’s less chance of excess fabric getting in your way or getting snagged on things. Also, the heavy contents of your pockets (wallet, phone, keys, etc) won’t cause them to sag off the body as much.
Bonus Tip II: I keep this outfit on the back of my bedroom door, for those quick 3am runs to the deli.
Piped knit jacket by Rugby (size M). T-shirt by Fruit of the Loom (size M). Fleece trousers by Woolrich (size 34). Tweed cap by Rugby. Sneakers by Converse.