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joi, 5 aprilie 2012

VIDEO Top 5 Smartphone-uri ieftine

Display touch, conectivitate 3G si Wi-Fi, GPS si sistem de operare la un pret accesibil. GALERIE FOTO
VIDEO Top 5 Smartphone-uri ieftine
Daca in urma cu cativa ani telefoanele inteligente reprezentau o nisa si erau mult mai putin accesibile, in prezent reprezinta o categorie importanta ce se extinde din ce in ce mai mult. Pentru a se incadra in aceasta categorie selecta, telefoanele trebuie sa aiba sistem de operare pe care pot fi instalate o multitudine de aplicatii si sa permita conexiuni de date de mare viteza prin retelele 3G/4G si Wi-Fi. Smartphone-urile au display touch si/sau tastatura QWERTY si o serie de facilitati precum Bluetooth, GPS, camera foto/video, radio FM, MP3 player etc.

1. LG Optimus Net
Dimensiuni: 113,5 x 59 x 12,1 mm, 129,2 grame
Display: 3,2 inches, 320 x 480 pixeli
Memorie: 150 MB, RAM: 512 MB, microSD: max. 32 GB
Retea 3G: HSDPA 3,6 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0
Camera: 3,15 MP
Sistem de operare: Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Chipet: Qualcomm MSM7227Т
Procesor: ARM 11, 800 MHz
Procesor grafic: Adreno 200
Radio: FM
Baterie: Li-Ion, 1500 mAh
Pret fara abonament: 650~700 lei

2. Samsung Galaxy Ace
Dimensiuni: 112,4 x 59,9 x 11,5 mm, 113 grame
Display: 3,5 inches, 320 x 480 pixeli
Memorie: 158 MB, RAM: 278 MB, microSD: max. 32 GB
Retea 3G: HSDPA 7,2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1
Camera: 5 MP
Sistem de operare: Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Chipet: Qualcomm MSM7227
Procesor: ARM 11, 800 MHz
Procesor grafic: Adreno 200
Radio: FM cu RDS
Baterie: Li-Ion, 1350 mAh
Pret fara abonament: 800~850 lei

3. HTC Wildfire S
Dimensiuni: 101,3 x 59,4 x 12,4 mm, 105 grame
Display: 3,2 inches, 320 x 480 pixeli
Memorie: 512 MB, RAM: 512 MB, microSD: max. 32 GB
Retea 3G: HSDPA 7,2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0
Camera: 5 MP
Sistem de operare: Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Chipet: Qulacomm MSM7227
Procesor: ARM 11, 600 MHz
Procesor grafic: Adreno 200
Radio: FM cu RDS
Baterie: Li-Ion, 1230 mAh
Pret fara abonament: 900~950 lei

4. Motorola Motoluxe
Dimensiuni: 117,7 x 60,5 x 9,9 mm, 123,6 grame
Display: 4,0 inches, 480 x 854 pixeli
Memorie: 1 GB, RAM: 512 MB, microSD: max. 32 GB
Retea 3G: HSDPA 7,2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0
Camera: 8 MP
Sistem de operare: Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Chipet: Qualcomm MSM7227A-0, 800 MHz
Procesor grafic: Adreno 200
Radio: FM cu RDS
Baterie: Li-Ion, 1400 mAh
Pret fara abonament: 950~1000 lei

5. Samsung Galaxy Xcover
Dimensiuni: 121,5 x 65,9 x 12 mm, 100 grame
Display: 3,65 inches, 320 x 480 pixeli
Memorie: 150 MB, RAM: 512 MB, microSD: max. 32 GB
Retea 3G: HSDPA 7,2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth: 3.0
Camera: 3,15 MP
Sistem de operare: Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Procesor: Marvell MG2, 800 MHz
Radio: FM cu RDS
Baterie: Li-Ion, 1500 mAh
Pret fara abonament: 1000~1050 lei

Bershka, lookbook de primavara 2012

In urma cu ceva timp ti-am facut cunostinta cu colectia Bershka pentru sezonul primavara-vara 2012, iar acum, dupa cum bine stii, brand-ul lanseaza lunar si cate un lookbook. In galeria foto de mai jos te vor lua in primire tinutele pentru martie-aprilie, tinute colorate, “jeans chic”.

Tendinte Bershka
  • Gecile din denim
  • Pantaloni culorati
  • Tricourile in dungi
  • Pantaloni albi
  • Geci colorate din fas
  • Pantaloni nude si suflecati
  • Esarfe

1 Piece/3 Ways: The “Shacket”

Here are three examples using a smart design by Orlebar Brown.
1. Business Casual
As the weather warms up, ditch the heavy coats for something much easier and cooler.
The best part is, once you leave the office you can lose the shirt and tie and wear just the “shacket” over the white v-neck t-shirt you should be wearing under your business shirts this time of year (to break the wind and to extend the life of your business shirts by absorbing moisture).
I just remembered that we did another post on “overshirt layering” a year and half ago, seehere.
Olive green shirt/jacket by Orlebar Brown (M). Tweed trousers are part of a sample from my next MAB by Dan Trepanier collection (more news to come). Shirt by Michael Andrews Bespoke. Burgundy corduroy tie by MAB by Dan Trepanier (accesories and plenty more coming to the Shop soon).  Socks by Marcoliani. Suede boots by John Varvatos. 2″ tie bar by Tiffany & Co. Shades by Matsuda. Watch by Montblanc.  
2. Weekend Sharp
These heavy-shirt/light-jacket mixbreeds are available just about anywhere, at a wide range of price points.
Since you’ll be wearing it with several combinations of pieces, look for something solid and neutral for best versatility – like olive, navy, grey, etc.
A vintage military shirt would work similarly as well  - although you may need some tailoring.
Make sure it is fitted through the body and sleeve, with just enough room under for a button-down shirt and a thin layer (like a cardigan, v-neck, crewneck, henley, etc).
Olive green shirt/jacket by Orlebar Brown (M). Cardigan by Rag&Bone (M). Loafers and shades by Gucci. Jeans by JCrew. Shirt by Steven Alan (M). Watch by Montblanc. Striped grosgrain watch strap by Corvus.  
3. With the Boys at the Bars drinking Beers
Who said a tee shirt and jeans had to look sloppy?
In fact, in this case it’s actually a tank top and jeans with the t-shirt around my neck (I cut apart some old t-shirts whose necklines were overly stretched and sewed them together into this super-soft jersey scarf).
When it’s wet, but not raining, I usually reach for a rugged lace-up boot. They look appropriate against the wet concrete and there’s no need to leap over pesky city puddles.
Olive green shirt/jacket by Orlebar Brown (M). Tank top by Fruit of the Loom (size M). Jeans by Polo Ralph Lauren. Boots by Brooklyn Bootworks. Shades by Persol. Watch by Montblanc.