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sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012

Ochelari de soare in tendinte in 2012 GALERIE FOTO

Ochelarii de soare sunt un accesoriu indispensabil in sezonul cald, in principal din doua motive. In primul rand, iti protejeaza ochii de razele puternice ale soarelui, iar, in al doilea rand, iti confera un look sexy si atragator. Descopera care sunt tendintele din 2012, in ceea ce priveste ochelarii de soare.

1. Ochelari de soare tip aviator

Ochelarii de tip aviator raman in tendinte si in acest an. Cu un design inconfundabil, rame subtiri si lentile mari, acesti ochelari se reinventeaza an de an. Poate din acest motiv sunt preferati de majoritatea barbatilor.

Ochelarii aviator sunt inchisi la culoare si au, in multe cazuri, lentile reflectorizante, pentru a respinge lumina soarelui.

2. Ochelari de soare retro

Moda retro nu este valabila doar pentru imbracaminte. Si ochelarii de soare in tendinte in 2012 imprumuta cateva influente retro. Daca vrei sa obtii un look cool, o astfel de pereche de ochelari de soare este absolut necesara. Ochelarii cu rame retro sunt potriviti la o tinuta sport sau casual si la o tunsoare brit-rock.

Daca ramele monocromatice ti se par prea banale, poti achizitiona o pereche de ochelari de soare cu rame colorate.

3. Ochelari de soare cu rama de "lemn"

Ochelarii de soare cu rama de "lemn" iti confera un look cu totul deosebit, datorita designului cu influente rustice. Stilistii recomanda acest model de ochelari de soare pentru toti barbatii care isi doresc sa iasa in evidenta si sa-si puna in valoare fata.

4. Ochelari de soare cu lentile colorate

In general, ochelarii de soare au lentile in nuante inchise, fumurii. In 2012 se poarta si lentilele colorate. Acestea completeaza excelent o tinuta monotona, in care predomina nuantele neutre, de gri, negru sau maro.

5. Ochelari de soare cu rame patratoase

Ramele patratoase sunt in tendinte in 2012, cel putin la ochelarii de soare. Stilistii recomanda sa alegi rame groase, negre si lentile fumurii. Acesti ochelari sunt ideali pentru condus masina sau pentru o dupa-amiza insorita pe terasa unui restaurant.

Band of Outsiders – colectia de incaltaminte pentru vara 2012

Daca esti in cautarea unui strop de culoare pentru garderoba ta de vara, eu te sfatuiesc sa incerci un mic shopping online. Cea mai recenta colectie de mocasini, sau mai bine zis “boat shoes”, Band of Outsiders este un inceput bun.

Band of Outsiders lanseaza pentru sezonul primavara-vara 2012 o colectie de pantofi in colaborare cu Sperry Top-Sider. Nu este chiar atat de usor sa aduci ceva nou in fiecare sezon, insa de data aceasta cele doua nume au cateva propuneri pertinente pentru barbatul in pas cu moda.
In loc sa lanseze pe piata o colectie indrazneata, pe care numai cativa barbati o pot purta, Band of Outsiders lanseaza o colectie masculina, dar in culori delicate, de pantofi clasici in combinatii inedite – recunosc ca am ras cand am vazut modelul din denim.
Mocasinii se pot cumpara de aici, la pretul de 175 de dolari, adica aproximativ 600Ron.

Street style Timișoara – ediția de primăvară

Aceste ediții, au rolul de a te inspira în ținutele de zi cu zi.

Street Style Timisoara
Tinuta Timisoara
tinuta gri

GQ:Topman's Denim Jacket Project






And by soon we mean tomorrow. Topman has teamed up with a slew of designers, both here and across the Atlantic, to reinterpret the classic denim jacket. Working with creative forces the brand has either supported or collaborated with in the past, Topman pulled together the likes of Mark McNairy, Lou Dalton, Katie Eary, Shaun Samson, and Oliver Spencer and gave them free creative range on the standard outerwear item. The results are a refreshingly mixed lot of styles, from a pure McNairy play on proportions to Eary's removable shearling club collar, and a pretty sweet dotted number from the Topman Design team. Quantities are quite limited so if you're in the market for one we'd suggest getting to the brand's Soho store early tomorrow morning. Or, if you can't be bothered to put on pants and leave the house, the collection will be offered on
Denim jackets, $140 each, available starting tomorrow.

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GQ:Kenzo & Vans Summer Sneaker Team-Up

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Kenzo creative directors Humberto Leon and Carol Lim have perfected the art of collaborations at their other fashion enterprise, Opening Ceremony. Bringing this knowledge to the storied Parisian brand into which the duo has been breathing new life, Kenzo is teaming up with Vans on a limited collection of kicks. Using colors and prints from their Spring 2012 collections, Leon, Lim and Vans will be rolling out the full line over the next three months. The first installment focuses on the original Vans skate shoe, the Era, and comes in seven colorful options available for both guys and gals. Have a look, above, at the shoes and get ready to get your hands on them next month at, Opening Ceremony, and cool boutiques all over the globe.

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GQ:Nike's HTM Flyknit Collection Touches Down

We're calling it now. Come June, when the world of menswear descends upon Pitti Uomo, an overwhelming amount of sprezzy gents will be rocking these new Nike Flyknits, part of the brand's HTM collection, south of their pant hems. Co-designed by Fragment Design founder Hiroshi Fujiwara, Nike legend (and designer of the most coveted Air Jordans) Tinker Hatfield, and Nike Inc. CEO and designer Mark Parker, the revolutionarily lightweight training shoes (plus one runner) feature a textured, woven-in design and come in safety orange, black and white, and grey colorways. Look for them to hit the shelves of the Nike Sportswear store in Soho, NYC starting this Sunday and sell out shortly after.
HTM Flyknit Racer, $175 and HTM Flyknit Trainer, $160, are available at Nike's 21 Mercer store in NYC beginning Sunday. For more information visit

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Ben Ferrari's Street Style: 04.20.12

Spring is nearly in bloom in New York City. Our street shooting man captured the seasonal style shift—and a few dogs—in downtown NYC  

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The Week in Style: 04.20.12

We pitted our actors against each other in a series of Week in Style categories. Zac won the day. See who lost

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