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miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2012
ESQUIRE:9 Great Coats To Update Your Look

If you've been following along, you know we've spent the past months helping you overhaul your entire wardrobe with the magazine's several-part series, The New Deal. And now, we've arrived at coats. Overcoats, specifically, which will top off your entire wardrobe in warmth and style — assuming you choose the right ones. To see what we mean, and for some helpful advice, click below for the latest picks from our January issue. Plus, the extra 10 percent that will keep you looking great all winter long...
From left: Double-breasted wool coat ($1,984) by Paul Stuart; two-button wool jacket ($450) by BR Monogram; cotton shirt ($325) by Ermenegildo Zegna; silk tie ($125) by Eton; wool-and-cashmere trousers ($425) by Canali; leather shoes ($1,175) by Santoni. Wool-and-nylon coat ($300) by Perry Ellis; cashmere turtleneck sweater ($248) by Tommy Hilfiger; wool flannel trousers ($625) by Simon Spurr; leather boots ($325) by Wolverine; cashmere scarf ($228) by Paul Stuart; lambskin-and-cashmere gloves ($128) by Brooks Brothers. Wool-and-cashmere coat ($2,295) by Canali; cashmere sweater ($298) by J. Crew; cotton shirt ($325) by Ermenegildo Zegna; cotton jeans ($192) by J Brand; leather shoes ($360)by Grenson. Double-breasted camel-hair coat ($1,995) by Hickey Freeman; three-button wool-cotton-and-cashmere suit ($3,195) and cashmere scarf ($375) by Ermenegildo Zegna; cotton shirt ($255) by Eton; tie ($105) by Thomas Pink; leather shoes ($678) by Paul Stuart.
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GQ:Sorel Kitchner Frost Snow Boots

We know... You thought you had to go all country bumpkin to bag a pair of killer duck boots for the winter, you urban bad-ass, you. Well, you were wrong, these Sorels are back in black. Let's kick it over to GQ's Jim Moore:
"Sorel boots have been around for ages and everyone clomps around in them in the slush. They're typically fur-lined, brown, and extremely utilitarian. But when I saw them in all black and lined in plaid, I thought, 'That's the stealth boot of the season.' I'm not advocating walking around the office in them in a suit, but I think we all need a bit of style when it's raining. Even when boots are in style, there are those boots that look strictly weekend, and are too beat-up, but these are chic and simple."
$175. Park & Bond has them, here. In fact, they're one of our Best of GQ Endorses.
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GQ:Your 12-Step Plan for Survivin' the Apocalypse

Fill the tub with water. For this tub, as well as the contents of your hot-water heater, will be your drinking supply. Fill the sinks with scotch—and cover, obviously.
Fill the tub with water. For this tub, as well as the contents of your hot-water heater, will be your drinking supply. Fill the sinks with scotch—and cover, obviously.
If there's any looting to be done, focus on marijuana dispensaries. If you don't live in California, that's too bad. We have marijuana dispensaries.
If there's any looting to be done, focus on marijuana dispensaries. If you don't live in California, that's too bad. We have marijuana dispensaries.
Assemble a posse of hooligan underlings, choosing a mix of muscular physiques and corpulent ones. Harvest fat from the chubbies and cook the muscular folks in it. When the fatties run out of cellulite to harvest, they are now prime, lean cooking specimens. Obviously you'll need to be fattening up new "team members" as you go, perpetuating the savory cycle.
Assemble a posse of hooligan underlings, choosing a mix of muscular physiques and corpulent ones. Harvest fat from the chubbies and cook the muscular folks in it. When the fatties run out of cellulite to harvest, they are now prime, lean cooking specimens. Obviously you'll need to be fattening up new "team members" as you go, perpetuating the savory cycle.
Find gas. Don't try siphoning it, though. It is very difficult to do on these new cars, and you get a crazy headache. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of succulent human flesh post-Apocalypse.
Find gas. Don't try siphoning it, though. It is very difficult to do on these new cars, and you get a crazy headache. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of succulent human flesh post-Apocalypse.
Find electricity. Toyota FJ Cruisers offer a convenient 115-volt plug-in. You have gas? You have electricity. Also, we really like Toyota FJ Cruisers. Can we have one for mentioning it in this article? Perhaps with an off-road TRD package and Warn winch bumper?
Find electricity. Toyota FJ Cruisers offer a convenient 115-volt plug-in. You have gas? You have electricity. Also, we really like Toyota FJ Cruisers. Can we have one for mentioning it in this article? Perhaps with an off-road TRD package and Warn winch bumper?
6 Make sure your garage is filled with canned foods that don't taste good when you're stoned. Trust us, you don't want to end up eating forty cases of chili mac just 'cause it felt amazing in your mouth. We've been there. It gets expensive. |
7 Batteries. Get some. 8 Find a large grizzly bear. Punch it in the face. It's cool; no more PETA. If you enjoy it like we do, keep it up. Punch every bear you can find. Punch a cougar. Good times are hard to come by in the Apocalypse. If you accidentally kill the bear, don't let that good meat and coat go to waste. Cubs make cool post-apocalyptic pets. |
Find a suitable stream and construct a waterwheel. This will power your woodworking shop. Hone your woodworking skills until you and your progeny can produce Hula-hoops. When civilization returns, they will sell like hotcakes, and your fortune will be secured.
Find a suitable stream and construct a waterwheel. This will power your woodworking shop. Hone your woodworking skills until you and your progeny can produce Hula-hoops. When civilization returns, they will sell like hotcakes, and your fortune will be secured.
Just in case, starting immediately, carry a small go-pack at all times, containing fishing line, hooks, waterproof matches, a compass, a wire saw, and water-purification tablets. Or just get a Rambo knife. They look real badass.
Just in case, starting immediately, carry a small go-pack at all times, containing fishing line, hooks, waterproof matches, a compass, a wire saw, and water-purification tablets. Or just get a Rambo knife. They look real badass.
Carry a lucky relic, like a watch or something, to pass on to your offspring right before you die: "Protect this watch. I kept it in my ass for two years in Nam." (Even if it's not true, this is what you should say.)
Carry a lucky relic, like a watch or something, to pass on to your offspring right before you die: "Protect this watch. I kept it in my ass for two years in Nam." (Even if it's not true, this is what you should say.)
Set out for the Massachusetts area with your team of marauders, living off human flesh and the occasional bear feast. Make your way to Fenway Park and play ball all day long. Nobody will stop you; it'll be totally awesome! Paint a huge cock and balls on the Green Monster! It'll be hilarious! Bring a few goats to keep the outfield trimmed and to attract bears for pleasure punching.
Set out for the Massachusetts area with your team of marauders, living off human flesh and the occasional bear feast. Make your way to Fenway Park and play ball all day long. Nobody will stop you; it'll be totally awesome! Paint a huge cock and balls on the Green Monster! It'll be hilarious! Bring a few goats to keep the outfield trimmed and to attract bears for pleasure punching.
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Cinci lucruri pe care barbatii ar vrea ca femeile sa le stie
Si barbatii ca si femeile au gandurile lor secrete, pe care nu pot intotdeauna sa le exprime foarte usor. Potrivit unui studiu facut de o cunoscuta publicatie online, exista cinci lucruri pe care barbatii ar vrea ca partenerele lor sa le stie. Iata care sunt acestea:

1. Esti foarte puternica. Cu o singura privire, o femeie poate cuceri pentru totdeauna un barbat. Femeile isi dau foarte rar seama cand sunt cu adevarat cuceritoare, dar in ochii lor suntem de multe ori fermecatoare si seducatoare. Asa ca tot ce trebuie sa stii, este ca efectul tau asupra lui este mai puternic decat crezi.
2. Nu ne place sa facem cumparaturi cu tine. Iata un gand care le trece deseori prin minte mai ales cand nici macar nu stii ce vrei sa iti cumperi. Nu trebuie sa te superi pe el daca nu vrea sa te insoteasca la cumparaturi. Mai bine surprinde-l, si apari in fata lui cu rochia noua sau numai in pantofii pe care ti i-ai achizitionat recent.
5 lucruri despre care ar trebui sa poti discuta deschis cu partenerul tau
3. Nesiguranta ta nu e deloc atractiva. Cand il intrebi de zece ori pe zi daca te-ai ingrasat, nu esti foarte sexy. Nesiguranta nu il va face sa te alinte mai mult sau sa te complimenteze mai des, dar cu siguranta il va face nemultumit de atitudinea ta.
4. Increderea in sine e mai sexy decat orice lenjerie. Pentru o noapte fierbinte nu trebuie sa investesti sute de lei in lenjerie sexy, pentru ca se pare ca pe barbati cel mai mult ii excita atitudinea ta indrazneata si nu ceea ce porti.
Top 5 secrete ale unei vieti sexuale perfecte in casnicie
5. Vorba dulce mult aduce. Barbatii au tendinta de a face ce vrei tu daca le vorbesti frumos si le explici ce iti doresti si reactioneaza foarte prost la crize de nervi si reprosuri. Incearca sa fii mereu cat mai calma cu partenerul tau si sa ii ceri pe tonul cel mai amabil ceea ce iti doresti, pentru ca reprosurile si certurile nu il fac decat sa se indeparteze.

2. Nu ne place sa facem cumparaturi cu tine. Iata un gand care le trece deseori prin minte mai ales cand nici macar nu stii ce vrei sa iti cumperi. Nu trebuie sa te superi pe el daca nu vrea sa te insoteasca la cumparaturi. Mai bine surprinde-l, si apari in fata lui cu rochia noua sau numai in pantofii pe care ti i-ai achizitionat recent.
5 lucruri despre care ar trebui sa poti discuta deschis cu partenerul tau
3. Nesiguranta ta nu e deloc atractiva. Cand il intrebi de zece ori pe zi daca te-ai ingrasat, nu esti foarte sexy. Nesiguranta nu il va face sa te alinte mai mult sau sa te complimenteze mai des, dar cu siguranta il va face nemultumit de atitudinea ta.
4. Increderea in sine e mai sexy decat orice lenjerie. Pentru o noapte fierbinte nu trebuie sa investesti sute de lei in lenjerie sexy, pentru ca se pare ca pe barbati cel mai mult ii excita atitudinea ta indrazneata si nu ceea ce porti.
Top 5 secrete ale unei vieti sexuale perfecte in casnicie
5. Vorba dulce mult aduce. Barbatii au tendinta de a face ce vrei tu daca le vorbesti frumos si le explici ce iti doresti si reactioneaza foarte prost la crize de nervi si reprosuri. Incearca sa fii mereu cat mai calma cu partenerul tau si sa ii ceri pe tonul cel mai amabil ceea ce iti doresti, pentru ca reprosurile si certurile nu il fac decat sa se indeparteze.
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