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sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

ESQUIRE:Shoe Porn: Acne Suede Desert Boots

Walk in these when you want to be noticed.
Suede desert boots ($500) by Acne,

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ESQUIRE:Shoe Porn: Frye James Longwing

Walk in these with a pair of medium-blue jeans.
James wingtip ($198) by Frye,

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ESQUIRE:10 Spring Jackets for the New Season Ahead

Just because it's raining doesn't mean that you can't wear a hooded jacket that protects from the elements (cotton with nylon helps) while also ensuring that you look fantastic. When it comes to the later, a trim silhouette, some bright color, and smart design details — contrasting zippers, patch pockets, plaid linings — will help bring your spring top layer into stylish territory. Our picks for the new pieces that accomplish this best are offered up for your persual in the slideshow below, and just a click or two away to buy for yourself...

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ESQUIRE:Shoe Porn: Nike for J.Crew Vintage Sneakers

Walk in these when you're feeling monochrome.
Vintage Collection pre-Montreal racer sneakers ($85) by Nike for J.Crew,

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ESQUIRE: New Pair of Shades to Keep in Mind for Spring

Though the weather outside your window may suggest otherwise, it is about to be sunglasses season — which is why Mosley Tribes just re-launched their website. If you click that link, you'll see they are highlighting four young artists in Los Angeles, the brand's home base, a city that seems to require shades even when it isn't sunny outside.
Of the four, the one to watch is Indio Downey, that kid you see above. The son of Robert Downey, Jr., he's an 18-year-old guitar player who's gunning to become the next Jimmy Page. He also happens to be wearing Mosley Tribes' new Stafford frames, which we're unveiling exclusively on The Style Blog today. They'll be available next month in stores and online with polarized lenses for $245. Which gives you just a few weeks to start learning a few chords, even if you prefer to never be as hip as someone who responds to the name "Indio."

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GQ:Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore

An Audemars Piguet watch is always a show stopper and one of the ultimates in watch making and design. During this past New York Fashion Week the brand cleverly collaborated with the Michael Bastian show and sent some of their key new styles down the runway. The watch paired with the look shown here is my idea of a solid statement. This Royal Oak diver watch itself strikes a fine balance of luxury and deep sea functionality to create a sporty and sophisticated timepiece. Pair that with a cool weekend casual fleece sweatpant and sleek nylon jacket, as Bastian showed on the runway, and your timing couldn't be better to get in this sport luxe look of the moment.
$18,900, for more information visit
A closer look at the watch this way...

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GQ:Armando Cabral AC 19 Sneakers

AC 19-37.jpg
You've seen Armando Cabral in practically every men's show, but have you peeped the model-slash-entrepreneur's footwear collection? We swung by his presentation earlier this month at an intimate basement space just outside of the Meatpacking District, and dude is bringing the goods: perfect cap-toe combat boots, suede oxfords, and these. We love the concept of a dressed-up sneaker, and the gray flannel makes these kicks suitable (blatant pun intended) for everything but a gala. Look for 'em in June.
Hi-tops $360, Low-tops $335.

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GQ:Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren Spring 2012

We've already given you a quick peek at Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren's Spring 2012 collection and now comes a larger look, above, at some of the pieces hitting Denim & Supply's online store and Macy's shelves at this very moment. Inspired by both Cape Cod and Baja, the line is equal parts nautical adventurer and laid-back bohemian and makes use of washed, rugged fabrics like chambray and bleached fleece punched up by graphic ikat and bandana prints. And just like that serape-stripe field jacket, this season we're all about a rugged-meets-relaxed style.
For a closer look, visit denimandsupply.comPL01825942.jpgPL01826073.jpgPL01826980.jpgPL01825898.jpgPL01831927.jpg

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GQ:Your Morning Shot: Gregory Hines

GQ:Dior Homme 171S Foldable Sunglasses

The brand that led the march for guys to trim the fat from their suits is taking its sleek, less-is-more aesthetic to its sunglasses, crafting a pair of foldable frames that do away with any unnecessary bulk. Merging an 80's aviator style with modern materials that make the glasses supremely lightweight, the shades fold up to the size of one lens to be stowed, well, anywhere really. Available in classic black, both shiny and modern matte, silver and an attention-grabbing red, look for the sunglasses to show up in stores next month.
$395, available in March. For more information visit
DiorSun3.jpg  DiorSun2.jpg  DiorSun4.jpg 
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GQ:The Ones to Watch from SIHH for 2012

Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, the watch world's annual trade show in Switzerland, brings together the globe's luxury timepiece producers to show off their latest and greatest goods. Sure, they'll set you back the price of a new car but these watches will outlast any SUV. Here are the 12 best we laid eyes on

Announcing GQ's Best New Menswear Designers in America 2012

They're here: In our sixth annual search for the future of menswear, as selected by editor-in-chief Jim Nelson, creative director Jim Moore, and GQ's fashion team, we present the six designers you need to know. Prepare to start salivating over the limited-edition collection they'll be creating in conjunction with Gap

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GQ:The Week in Style: 02.24.12

Taylor Swift and Zac Efron in Universal City, California. 
Henley and leather jacket is a classic combo—as old as time.

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miercuri, 22 februarie 2012

Crezi ca esti frumos? Cum sa afli asta online

Tinerii au gasit un nou mod de a afla cu ajutorul Internetului cat de bine arata.
Crezi ca esti frumos? Cum sa afli asta online
Din ce in ce mai multi tineri, fete si baieti, urca imagini video cu ei pe YouTube si le pun utilizatorilor o intrebare simpla: "Sunt urat?". Multi copii intre 11 si 14 ani, nesiguri pe aspectul lor fizic, vor sa afle care este parerea comunitatii. Trendul acesta a fost observat inca de acum 2 ani.
O fata blonda care foloseste userul sgal901, intreaba daca este urata si posteaza o selectie de fotografii cu ea. Videoul a fost deja vazut de aproape 3,5 milioane de persoane din decembrie 2010, cand a fost incarcat.
"Multa lume imi spune ca sunt urata. Cred ca sunt urata si grasa", spune tanara in fata camerei. Un studiu facut de cercetatorii din New York arata ca 59% din tinerele aflate in clasele V-XII sunt nemultumite de felul in care arata.
Nu doar fetele, ci si baietii posteaza videoclipuri pe youtube in care intreaba ce parere are lumea despre aspectul lor fizic.
Regulile YouTube spun ca au dreptul sa isi faca un cont doar cei care au cel putin 13 ani, insa multi dintre copiii care isi pun intrebari legate de aspectul lor fizic sunt mai mici.
Unul dintre site-urile care ofera un raspuns stiintific la intrebare este
Sursa: dailymail

marți, 21 februarie 2012

Topul celor mai nocive mezeluri din comerţ

Multe dintre alimentele existente pe piaţă respectă normele care ţin de gust şi de aspect, dar nu respectă normele care ţin de calitatea nutritivă a unui produs - fapt esenţial când vine vorba de mâncare. Aspectul e sesizat şi în raportul de activitate al Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorului (ANPC), potrivit căruia o mare parte dintre alimentele vândute în comerţ nu respectă normele de etichetare şi de conformitate impuse de legislaţia în vigoare.

Topul celor mai nocive mezeluri din comerţ (Imagine: Lucian Alecu/Mediafax Foto)

Prof. dr. Gheorghe Mencinicopschi, directorul Institutului de Cercetări Alimentare, a declarat, pentru gândul, că o mare parte dintre alimentele existente pe piaţă respectă normele care ţin de gust, de aspect, nu conţin microorganisme, metale sau mercur, dar nu respectă normele care ţin de calitatea nutritivă a unui produs - lucru esenţial atunci când vine vorba de mâncare. "Alimentele din comerţ nu ne hrănesc. Aceasta este marea problemă a industriei alimentare. Lipsa substanţelor nutritive din preparate nu este o problemă întâlnită doar în România, ci în întreaga lume. Legislaţia în domeniul alimentar se ocupă mai mult de partea senzorială a unui produs: adică să arate bine, să miroasă frumos, să aibă un gust delicios, să reziste cât mai mult timp, dar nu şi să hrănească", a spus medicul nutriţionist.
Şeful Institutului de Cercetări Alimentare atrage atenţia asupra faptului că din cauza produselor alimentare bogate în chimicale şi grăsimi "rele" bolile cardiovasculare şi obezitatea sunt tot mai des întâlnite în rândul populaţiei.
"Practic mâncăm fără să ne hrănim. Problema este că nu ne facem doar nouă rău, ci şi copiilor noştri. O femeie însărcinată care se hrăneşte cu alimente sărace în substanţe nutritive riscă să nască un copil cu afecţiuni congenitale", precizează prof. dr. Mencinicopschi.
Gândul vă prezintă cele mai nocive mezeluri din comerţ
● Parizerul pare să ocupe primul loc în topul celor mai nocive preparate din carne. Acesta are în compoziţia sa 80% slănină şi şorici de porc, 10% MDM, carne dezosată mecanic, în compoziţia căreia intră oase măcinate. Acest aliment mai conţine făină de soia, amidon, dar şi condimente, printre care se numără sare, coriandru, boia de ardei. Potenţiatorii de gust şi coloranţii sunt şi ei trecuţi pe lista ingredientelor care se găsesc în parizer.
● Crenvurştii pot duce la apariţia toxiinfecţiilor alimentare dacă nu sunt păstraţi în condiţii corespunzătoare. MDM-ul este găsit în mare parte din acest preparat din carne. Pieliţe şi grăsime se găsesc şi ele în compoziţia acestora. E-urile abundă şi ele, deoarece crenvuştii au mereu o culoare fragedă.

Ce "viciu" este mai pacatos decat fumatul?

Ce "viciu" este mai pacatos decat fumatul?
Ierarhia lucrurilor care provoaca dependenta s-a schimbat dramatic in ultimul deceniu, arata un studiu realizat in Statele Unite.
Realizatorii studiului au observat comportamentul a 205 persoane timp de o saptamana. De sapte ori pe zi, le-au cerut "cobailor" sa-si evalueze dorintele din ultimele 30 de minute.

Rezultatele cercetarilor au aratat ca cea mai frecventa dorinta a participantilor la studiu nu reflecta nevoia de dulciuri, tigari si nici macar sex. Oamenii voiau sa-si verifice conturile de Facebook si deTwitter. Indeosebi studentii sunt afectati de dependenta de retele sociale. 

Daca sunt privati de Internet, ei au simptome asemanatoare cu ale celor care nu mai iau droguri. Studiul a fost publicat in Journal of Psychological Science

Tatii vor fi obligati prin lege sa ajute mamele cu bebelusul

Tatii vor fi obligati prin lege sa ajute mamele cu bebelusulDe la 1 martie, amandoi parintii vor fi obligati, oficial, sa aiba grija de bebelusul lor, conform unei directive europene care va fi aplicata si in Romania.
Astfel, din concediul de un an, pe care mama sau tatal si-l poate lua pentru cresterea nou-nascutului, cel putin o luna ii va reveni celuilalt partener.

Mama va folosi acea luna pentru a se intoarce la munca si nu va mai primi in acea perioada indemnizatia de crestere a copilului, dar, in schimb, partenerul ei va beneficia de acest drept, calculat dupa aceeasi regula: 75 % din media veniturilor nete, realizate in cele 12 luni dinaintea nasterii copilului.

Subway deschide primul restaurant din Romania

Subway deschide primul restaurant din RomaniaSubway, cel mai mare lant de restaurante de tip fast food din lume, a semnat primul contract din Romania cu Iulius Group, pentru o locatie in ansamblul multifunctional Palas Iasi, care va fi inaugurat in luna aprilie a acestui an.
Cu o amenajare special adaptata unui proiect de tip "lifestyle center”, Subway va fi pozitionat la intrarea in Palas Mall si va ocupa o suprafata de 90 metri patrati.
  • Despre Subway

Infiintat in anul 1965, in Connecticut, SUA, Subway detine in prezent peste 36.000 de restaurante, in 98 de tari. Destinat, in principal, persoanelor cu un stil de viata activ, care doresc o masa echilibrata in timpul programului de lucru, Subway este recunoscut pentru faptul ca ofera aceeasi calitate oriunde in intreaga lume.

Produsele de baza sunt sandwich-urile, gama completata de preparate crocante (crisps), supe, prajiturele americane, bauturi calde si reci. Sandwich-urile sunt pregatite in fata clientilor, dupa cum doresc acestia. Toate ingredientele sunt la cel mai inalt standard, fapt ce garanteaza obtinerea aceleiasi calitati si a aceluiasi gust in toate unitatile lantului.

Celebrul mar de pe sigla Apple va fi istorie

Sigla care se afla acum pe toate gadgeturile de la Apple se va transforma radical
Celebrul mar de pe sigla Apple va fi istorie
Artistul Ivan Raszl a facut istoria logo-urilor si ne spune cum crede ca vor evolua acestea, daca vor continua sa se simplifice.

A aparut cea mai ieftina tableta din lume: costa numai cateva pachete de tigari! Vezi acum arata si de unde o poti lua

In Anglia a parut prima tableta low-cost din lume. Daca te lasi de fumat pentru o saptamana, cu banii de pe tigari ti-o poti cumpara.
A aparut cea mai ieftina tableta din lume: costa numai cateva pachete de tigari! Vezi acum arata si de unde o poti lua
iPad si Galaxy Tab pot fi destepte, dar sunt si scumpe si nu toti si le permit. Niste englezi au vrut sa schimbe aceasta idee, ca tableta trebuie sa te coste mai mult daca chiar vrei s-o ai.

Asa ca o firma britanica a lansat de curand o tableta ieftina cat 9-10 pachete de tigari. Costa numai 22 de lire si se va numi Datawind Aashkash.

Momentan, tableta va fi la vanzare in Marea Britanie si in India.

The High/Low: Tailored Jackets & Hoodies

1. Brisk Corporate Morning
This has been one of the mildest winters I can remember. When heading to a business meeting, in February, I can use a hoody under my suit jacket rather than a bulky overcoat.
The hoody has to be slim through the body and sleeves, you might want to consider sizing down.
A full-zip hoody is ideal because you can zip it down to create a v-neck shape similar to that of a cardigan.
A double zip is even better since you can open the bottom as well – creating a silhouette even more like a cardigan (on which you shouldn’t be fastening the bottom button – the same rule that applies to a tailored jacket).
This is a new feature we might start including once in a while in posts.
You’ve heard it a million times. “The shoes make the man”. “A women notices a mans shoes first”. Etc.
All cliches aside, your selection of footwear really can make or break (or complete change the feel of) an outfit.
For the three outfits in this post, I styled them with two different shoes, giving two quick variations on the same look.
The first look above – with the wingtips – is something I would wear to the office (you can always take the hoody off when you get there).
The second look – with the sneakers – is something I would wear to an event, or a show, or a nice restaurant. Or, on my commute to work since I always leave a pair of dress shoes at the office/studio.
Suit and shirt by Michael Andrews Bespoke (my first custom suit, 4+ years old). Hoody by Theory (S). Knit tie by Polo Ralph Lauren (purchased at a “vintage” store). Wingtips (first look) by Florsheim. Sneakers by Vans. Watch by Montblanc. Grosgrain watchstrap by Corvus. 
2. Wearing a Suit Just Because You Want to Wear a Suit
I hear it from guys all the time: “I want to wear suits and tailored pieces more often, but I never have occasions to wear them.”
Here’s an easy solution: you don’t need an “occasion”,  just wear your suit.
It’s a fact, men look good in suits. Girls like it. Your parents like it. And most importantly, YOU like it.
The best part is, it’s easy. The jacket matches the pants…75% of your outfit is already put together.
There are plenty of “laidback” suits on the market now – from Uniqlo to Michael Bastian. Soft shoulders, partial lining, textured fabric, slim leg, etc. These are the easiest to wear casually – with sneakers, for example.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t dress-down a sharp suit. This charcoal grey peak lapel number sometimes serves as my “semi formal” suit (as featured HERE).
As always, fit is critical.
Loafers (and glasses) can make the look a little more mature and serious.
I love these glasses with the removable shaded lenses – saves you from having to carry two pairs…and gaining you some definite style points.
Suit by Michael Andrews Bespoke. T-shirt by Alexander Wang (size M). Hoody by Theory (size S). Sneakers (first look) by Nike (Blazers). Loafers (second look) by Scarpe di Bianco. Glasses with removable shaded lenses by Garrett Leight. 
3. Kicking it On the Weekend
The right blazer can sharpen a very casual look and take it up a level. This is just a simple casual look – hoody, jeans, boots – with my “perfect blue blazer” over it.
More news on the Read-to-Wear collaboration with MAB coming soon in the upcoming video episode.
Sometimes going without a pocket square is more natural. When it’s a really laid back look, you don’t need to add a fussy accessory like a pocket square.
Another question I get often: “You seem to “dress up” alot. What do you wear if you’re just hanging around the house, or running to the grocery store”.
Here is an example. Just jeans and sneakers. And perhaps I’ll throw on a tailored blazer when I step outside.
The Detroit D reminds me of my hometown – just across the border.
My favorite Jordan. Been wearing these since the 9th grade. I always keep a pair, and always will.
Blue blazer by MAB by Dan Trepanier. Navy hoody by Club Monaco (M). Jeans by Polo Ralph Lauren. Shades by Persol. Wingtips boots (first look) by Paul Smith. Sneakers (second look) Air Jordan III. New Era fitted cap. Watch by Montblanc. 
Here are some other Hoody + Jacket looks I’ve featured on the site over the past year:
From Post: Hoody Layering