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luni, 5 decembrie 2011

Mayaşii nu au prezis apocalipsa în 2012. Află ce se întâmplă pe 21 decembrie 2012!

Citeşte şi descoperă de ce ar trebui să aşteptăm fără spaimă data de 21 decembrie 2012!

21 decembrie 2012 - un nou început?
Un expert german vine să ne liniştească şi să mai calmeze puţin spiritele înfierbântate de  zvonurile care susţin apropierea apocalipsei: mayaşii nu au prezis sfîrşitul lumii. Asta o spune Sven Gronemeyer, citat de Newser şi Associated Press. Expertul susţine că a descifrat o tabletă mayaşă care datează de 1300 de ani şi că a descoperit referinţele făcute pentru anul 2012. Hieroglifele ar face referire la întoarcerea lui Bolon Yokte, un zeu misterios al creaţiei şi al războiului. Iar data întoarcerii sale este la finalul celei de-a 13 perioade de 400 de ani. Care e data exactă calculată de expert? Exact 21 decembrie 2012, dată care marchează tranziţia la o nouă eră, nicidecum sfârşitul.

Piatra este atât de deteriorată, încât nu e posibil ca finalul fragmentului să fie citit, dar expertul susţine că e vorba de o profeţie făcută unui conducător din acea vreme. Descoperirea expertului Gronemayer vine la doar câteva zile după ce experţii mexicani au descoperit o a doua tăbliţă care ar face referire la sfârşitul lumii.

Patru situaţii în care ar trebui să fii geloasă

Il tii din scurt si te cam simti vinovata? Nu e cazul! In anumite momente, e chiar recomandat sa te arati geloasa, pentru ca astfel vei castiga o gramada de puncte... in inima iubitului tau.

Gelozia este uneori îndreptăţită
Indiferent cat de puternica e legatura dintre voi, e normal ca din cand in cand sa te mai faci verde de gelozie. Din fericire, terapeutii de cuplu sustin ca putina gelozie nu strica, ba chiar e benefica relatiei, scrie Cosmpolitan.
"Este o modalitate productiva prin care sa-i dai de inteles iubitului ca tii la el si sa-i arati cum vrei sa se comporte cu tine", explica Debbie Magids, psiholog doctor si autoareaa cartii "All the Good Ones Aren't Taken".
Pentru ca e greu sa-ti dai seama in ce situatii e indicat sa dezlantui furtuna si cand sa te abtii de la comentarii, am intrebat o gramada de fete COSMO cum ar reactiona in situatiile frecvent datatoare de gelozii.
Apoi, am rugat psihologii sa comenteze si sa dea sfaturi, ca de acum incolo sa stim cum "sa atacam".

Nu-ti spune niciodata cui da mesaje

E necesar un anumit grad de individualism intr-o relatie, dar ar trebui sa fii inconstienta ca sa suporti un asemenea comportament, sustine Magids.
Ea te sfatuieste sa fii directa si sa-i spui: "Cred ca se intampla ceva, pentru ca prea esti secretos. Nu-mi place ca trebuie sa pun problema asa, dar chiar vreau sa stiu cui ii dai mesaje".

Noua colega a iubitului tau arata ca un topmodel

"Una e ca iubitul tau sa stea de vorba cu o tipa superba pe care, cel mai probabil, n-o s-o mai vada niciodata, si alta e ca acea tipa cu trup de fotomodel sa stea langa el 40 de ore pe saptamana", spune Rachel Sussman, terapeut de cuplu in New York.
Desi e foarte probabil ca iubitul tau sa nu-si fi dat seama ca tipa ii face ochi dulci, n-ar fi rau sa-l pui in garda si sa-i spui ca nu esti deloc incantata de faptul ca petrece asa de mult timp cu ea.

Intalnire cu o fosta mare iubire

Normal ca ai face orice numai sa-i stergi din agenda aceasta intalnire de gradul trei, totusi, faptul ca ti-a spus ce urmeaza sa faca iti arata ca nu are nimic de tainuit, lamureste Terri Orbuch, terapeut de cuplu.
Asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa-i ascunzi ceea ce simti, dar intreaba-te inainte de a deschide gura daca nu cumva nesiguranta ta privind stabilitatea relatiei este sursa geloziei inflacarate.

Petrecere de burlaci in club de striptease

Daca n-ai nicio strangere de inima, foarte bine, dar in cazul in care nu esti tocmai OK cu situatia data, vorbeste. Intreaba-l cum s-ar simti daca ai fi tu in locul lui si spune-i ca nu esti incantata de aceasta noapte nebuna de burlaci. Ar trebui sa-ti respecte sentimentele macar atat cat sa nu ceara un lap dance.

'Da' - vietii! 'NU' - tutunului!

In ultimii 5 ani, prevalenta fumatului zilnic in Romania a scazut de la 29,7% in 2003 la 22% in 2011! Fata de anul 2009, prevalenta totala a fumatului (fumatori zilnici si fumatori ocazionali) a scazut de la 32,4% la 26,2%.

Comunicat de presa al  Ministerului Sanatatii
Ziua Nationala fara Tutun este marcata in fiecare an in a 3 a joi a lunii noiembrie si ofera cadrul informarii si sensibilizarii populatiei cu privire la riscurile generate de consumul de tutun, dar si la dreptul fiecaruia dintre noi de a trai sanatos. Anul acesta a fost marcata pe 17 noiembrie.

Ziua Nationala fara Tutun: Spune "Nu" fumatului!

In ultimii 5 ani, prevalenta fumatului zilnic in Romania a scazut de la 29,7% in 2003 la 22% in 2011! Fata de anul 2009, prevalenta totala a fumatului (fumatori zilnici si fumatori ocazionali) a scazut de la 32,4% la 26,2%.
„Aceasta evolutie pozitiva are ca principala cauza faptul ca Romania a aplicat cu consecventa masurile prevazute in Conventia Cadru pentru Controlul tutunului a OMS, respectiv monitorizare, protectia populatiei fata de efectele fumului de tutun, oferirea de suport pentru renuntarea la fumat, avertizare, intarirea interzicerii publicitatii, cresterea taxelor), iar efectele au inceput sa apara”, a declarat RITLI Ladislau, ministrul Sanatatii.fumat, tigari, nicotina, tutun
Studiul realizat de Ministerul Sanatatii cu sprijinul Institutului de Pneumoftiziologie „Marius Nasta” pe un esantion reprezentativ pentru populatia Romaniei de 5071 persoane, cu o marja de eroare de +/- 1,38 arata urmatoarele:
- prevalenta totala a fumatului in randul populatiei adulte (adica numarul de fumatori zilnici si ocazionali raportat la populatia totala), cu varsta peste 15 ani, este de 26,2%;
- prevalenta fumatului zilnic este de 22,1%;
- sunt mai putine fumatoare: zilnic, fumeaza 15% dintre femei iar ocazional, 3,3%. Barbatii fumeaza in numar mai mic decat in anii anteriori, dar in procent dublu fata de femei: 30,2% fumeaza zilnic, iar 5% doar ocazional;
- 14,6% dintre cei care fumau au renuntat la tutun – adica 19,3% din barbati si 10,4% din femei; 
- Mai mult de jumatate dintre cei intervievati (57,5%) au declarat ca nu au fumat deloc in viata lor, iar 5,1% au fumat dar mai putin de 100 tigari (in total);
- Barbatii: 30,2% (dintre femei, 15% fumeaza)
- Persoanele cu varsta intre 30 si 44 de ani: 28,6% dar foarte aproape de grupa 18-29 de ani: 28,2%
- Persoanele cu studii medii: 24,5%. Cel mai putin fumeaza persoanele cu studii primare: 16,8%
- Persoanele ocupate: 28,2%. Persoanele inactive (elevi, studenti, pensionari, casnice) fumeaza cel mai putin: 17%
- Persoanele cu venit lunar peste 1200 lei: 26,1%. Persoanele cu venit lunar mai mic de 700 lei fumeaza cel mai putin: 18,7%;
- Persoanele din mediul rural: 25,2% (fata de 18,3% in mediul urban);
- Persoanele din Bucuresti: 32,4%. Cel mai putin fumeaza cei din zona de nord-est a tarii: 16,6%.
- cei mai multi sunt cei care fumeaza zilnic intre 10 si 20 tigari: 46,8% dintre cei care au indicat cantitatea fumata. Mai mult de un pachet fumeaza doar 10%.
- Aproape jumatate dintre fumatorii romani (49,1%) cheltuie lunar intre 100 si 300 lei pentru tigari. Cei care cheltuie cel mai mult pentru tigari sunt din Bucuresti (12% dintre bucuresteni cheltuie peste 400 lei lunar) iar cei care cheltuie cel mai putin sunt din zona de Nord-Est: 31,7% dintre ei cheltuie mai putin de 100 lei in fiecare luna.
- Aproape jumatate dintre fumatori (49,2%) fumeaza tigari „normale” dar pentru 14,8% nu conteaza tipul de tigara folosit. Tigarile de foi, trabucurile, pipa par a fi folosite cel mai mult de tinerii cu varsta intre 15 si 17 ani, desi vanzarea acestor produse catre minori este interzisa.
- Dintre cei care au fumat macar o data, 59,7% au declarat ca au incercat sa renunte la fumat in ultimul an, unii chiar reusind sa nu mai fumeze. 
- Jumatate (51,5%) dintre cei care au fumat in ultimele 30 de zile declara ca vor sa renunte la fumat in urmatoarele 6 luni.
- Motivele principale pentru care romanii au renuntat la fumat sunt: sanatatea („fumatul dauneaza sanatatii: 28,5%), „mi-a ajuns” (17,4%) dar si aspectul financiar (12,2%). 
- 71,4% dintre romanii cu varsta peste 15 ani declara ca sunt de acord cu interzicerea totala a fumatului in spatiile publice inchise, inclusiv in baruri si restaurante. In schimb, doar 52,5% sunt de acord cu interzicerea totala a fumatului si in zonele de agrement deschise, cum ar fi parcurile, gradinile, plajele.

Evolutia fata de anul 2009 este pozitiva, demonstrand efectul benefic al masurilor convergente si sustinute de combatere a fumatului:
- prevalenta totala si cea zilnica au scazut cu 19%, respectiv cu 20,8% fata de anul 2009 si cu 25,8% respectiv cu 25,6% fata de anul 2003. 
- Sunt cu aproape o treime (31,5%) mai putine femei care fumeaza zilnic in 2011 decat in 2009. 
- Numarul de persoane care au renuntat la fumat si al celor care doresc sa renunte este in crestere chiar fata de anul 2009: sunt cu 7,1% mai multi cei care doresc sa renunte la fumat in urmatoarele 6 luni!
- Sunt semnificativ mai multi romani care doresc interzicerea fumatului in toate spatiile publice inchise, inclusiv restaurante si baruri: crestere cu 62%, de la 44,1% la 71,4%!
Ministerul Sanatatii ii felicita pe cei care au ales sa-si protejeze sanatatea prin renuntarea la fumat si le reaminteste celor care inca mai consuma tutun ca abandonarea fumatului, ca modalitate unica de interventie, este cea mai eficienta masura de prevenire a imbolnavirilor si deceselor premature. Ministerul va continua sa-i sprijine pe cei care se hotarasc sa renunte la tutun prin oferirea de medicamente gratuite de catre medicii specializati in terapia tabagismului.

Facem un apel la adultii din tara noastra sa respecte legislatia de interzicere a vanzarilor de produse din tutun catre minori, sa nu le ofere produse din tutun si, mai ales, sa nu-i incurajeze, prin exemplul propriu, sa fumeze.

De asemenea, rugam mass media sa nu difuzeze imagini in care fumatul de trabuc sau tigari de foi este prezentat intr-un mod pozitiv. Trabucul cauzeaza dependenta la fel ca si tigara, iar faptul ca pare “mai natural” deoarece sunt adaugate mai putine ingrediente decat in tigara nu inseamna ca este lipsit de nocivitate pentru sanatate. De exemplu fumul de trabuc poate cauza cancer bucal (al buzelor, al limbii, al gingiilor si al gatului), de laringe, de esofag si de plamani dar si afectiuni care, desi nu sunt letale pe termen scurt, afecteaza dramatic calitatea vietii, cum ar fi caderea dintilor.

How to Wear Man Jewelry, featuring Philip Crangi

Pulling off man jewelry can be tricky and daunting at times. Which pieces to pair together, how much is too much, how to keep it all looking masculine, etc.
Who better to show us the ropes than my favorite jewelry designer, and one of our style inspirations here at, Philip Crangi.
Philip is not only one of the most noted industry leaders and trendsetters in jewelry design, he’s also a friendly, down-to-earth guy with badass personal style. Between his fine jewelry collection Philip Crangi which combines age-old techniques with a unique palette of gold, wrought iron and steel, and his edgier diffusion collectionGiles & Brother (a collaboration with his sister Giles), Phil has managed to find the perfect balance between fineness and ruggedness in order to put out some of the most wearable pieces in the men’s jewelry game.
Here, we caught up with Philip in New York’s meatpacking district so he could give us a taste of what he does best.
1. Let the Jewelry Speak
“Here I’m keeping it simple with just enough personal jewelry to make this basic look mine“.
Let the jewelry speak for itself. A simple, well-fit neutral look is a great canvas to showcase some statement pieces. You don’t need other elements competing for attention (i.e. other accessories, bold colors, etc).
Bonus Tip: Although hand-crafted with fine jewelry techniques that Philip studied at the renowned Rhode Island School of Design, the majority of Phil’s pieces have a toughness and manliness to them – an embedded dagger in one neckless, and an anchor in the other, for example.
Stainless steel necklace and 14k gold necklace both by Philip Crangi. Shirt by Louis Vuitton. Vintage trousers. Shoes by YSL. Shades by Bottega Veneta. “Arceau” watch by Hermes.
2. The Importance of Scale
“The cuff is a lot fancier in this look – it’s from my fine jewelry collection, but its scale keeps it chic and casual. Scale is one of the most important things to consider with men’s jewelry. It’s better to have several smaller pieces – one big chunky thing rarely looks masculine and always looks dated”
Bonus Tip: A man of true style shows his taste level in everything he does. Take a look at the decor in Phil’s amazingly chic home.
Rail road spike ring in 14k by Giles & Brother. Stainless steel and 14k gold cuff and Iron and gold anchor necklace both by Philip Crangi. Shirt by American Apparel. Chinos by RRL. Sandals by Baleciaga. Double belt by Comme des garcon. “Cape Cod” watch by Hermes.
The man also understands the importance of a good pair of shades. These were only the few pairs that were on his kitchen table when we arrived…
3. Amp Up Your Classics
Another example of keeping it simple and adding personal touches with jewelry.
“I’m feeling pretty classic this summer with just one or two perfect pieces of jewelry – my favorite watch, a simple leather cuff (a new classic from my Giles and Brother
collection) and my gold rail road spike ring”
Bonus Tip: Philip wears his watches to the inside of his wrist, since they seem to twist halfway around on him naturally anyway. It’s a great unique touch and also a good way to protect the watch face from banging around.
Bonus Tip II: Few things work better than rugged man jewelry and cool skin art.
Rail road spike ring in 14k, Leather “visor” cuff bracelet and Striped rope belt all fromGiles & Brother.  Oxford by Brooks Brothers Black Fleece. Trousers by Acne. Shoes by YSL. “Cape Cod” watch by Hermes. Shades by Cutler and Gross.
4. Transformative Effect
“Here’s a good example of layering to get volume, plus i’m wearing all my fave’s together – a good summer look”
This look proves the power that the right jewelry can have. The pieces here completely change the look and feel of this tank + shorts + sneaker outfit. Genius.
Rail road spike ring in 14k, Leather “visor” cuff bracelet, Striped rope wrap bracelt all from Giles & Brother. Stainless steel and 14k gold necklaces both from Philip Crangi.
Tank top by Dries Van Notten. Shorts by Kolor. High tops by Gola. Timepiece by Swatch. Vintage Wayfarer II shades by Ray-Ban.

Thanks, as always, for reading – and special thanks to Philip for participating!

1 Piece/3 Ways: Low-Top Grown Man Sneakers

Ever since I was a kid growing up with hoop dreams I’ve had a love for sneakers. I used to collect them. At one time I think I had almost 100 pairs, including every Jordan from I-XX (and no money in my pocket, of course).
As I’ve gotten older my style has evolved with me. With the exception of a handful of favorite Js, I traded in most of my athletic sneakers for low-top, neutral, classic kicks.
Here, I styled one of my favorite pairs three different ways, from casual to corporate commuter.
1. Simple but Not Sloppy for the Weekend
The best weekend outfits are often the simplest ones.
This is a simple v-neck sweater with dark jeans, but I used accessories to give it my own spin. In this case, my own spin is a faux-fur scarf that I whipped together in one of my first sewing practice sessions.
Bonus Tip: Just because they’re sneakers doesn’t mean they have to look cheap. Similar to dressier shoes, it’s easy to tell the difference between these hand-sewn suede & leather luxury sneakers and some cheap canvas & rubber joints. Along those same lines, a quality sneaker is typically more comfortable, durable and rare as well.
Bonus Tip II: We all know that brown is a great color for footwear, sneakers are no different.
Sneakers by Lanvin. Sweater by Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply. Jeans by JBrand. Shades by Matsuda. Faux-fur scarf that I made myself. Watch by Brera Orologi. Railroad spike cuff bracelet by Giles & Brother. Belt by Ralph Lauren Purple Label.
2. Tailored Commuter
A quality sneaker in a versatile color can keep up with your tailored game.
The contrast between the suit and the shoe isn’t exaggerated (as with white Adidas or beat-up chucks, for example) which keeps them from stealing attention or looking out of place.
Bonus Tip: I wear sneakers with suits fairly often – yes, even double breasted ones. As a full-time stylist/blogger it’s great to have the freedom to do so, and even better to have a some sneaks that are suit-worthy. These get greeted with compliments rather than “why are you wearing gym shoes with a suit?!”.
Bonus Tip II: If your 9-5 calls for more traditional footwear, you can do like some of my stylish corporate friends: leave the stiff lace-ups at the office (with shoe trees, under your desk) and enjoy the comfort and swagger of sneakers during your commute. It’s also a great way to preserve the life of your leather soles from grinding on the concrete.
Bonus Tip III: The old-school rule that “double breasted suits should never be worn open” applies to old-school db suits (think wide padded shoulders, long jackets, deep panel overlap, and boxy fit). A new breed of double breasted suits is breaking this mold. They are relaxed in the shoulders, cut shorter, slim through the body and have a shallow overlap. This means that there is less fabric to overwhelm and drown your body when worn unbuttoned. In fact, worn open this jacket looks almost like a single breasted jacket (except for the front cutaway and button placement, of course). You are wearing the suit, the suit is not wearing you.
Bonus Tip IV: With the above said, however, the shape of a tailored db jacket still looks much more badass when closed – as you can see in the background of THIS picture from Adam’s latest feature “Tailor-Made Swagger”.
Sneakers by Lanvin. Double breasted hopsack suit by Michael Andrews Bespoke. Chambray shirt by Rag&Bone. Denim tie by General Knot & Co. Chambray pocket square by Armstrong & Wilson.
3. Business Casual Cool
Truth is a lot of offices don’t require power suits.
If you have the freedom to wear jeans, than the right sneaker shouldn’t be a problem.
Bonus Tip: In my opinion these dressy-leaning sneakers are interchangeable with casual-leaning lace-ups (that are very popular right now), like these chunky wingtips for example.
Bonus Tip II: A lapel pin is a great place to add some personal flair (Office Space reference unintentional). I like my Canadian flag pin on the collar rather than the lapel – i’m not running for office (yet?? haha).
Bonus Tip III: Another advantage of well-made sneaks: they’re much more comfortable sockless.
Bonus Tip IV: Every color in this outfit, or post rather, is considered a neutral color (browns, greys, blues, whites, tans). Because of this, each piece in this post is interchangeable. I could probably put a dozen outfits together  with only these pieces.
Bonus Tip V: This is a polyester tie from my late grandfather. Similar ones can be found in vintage stores for a handful of loose change.
Sneakers by Lanvin. White denim by Helmut Lang (33). Chambray shirt by Rag&Bone (M). Vintage tie from my late grandfather). Cotton topcoat by Theory (40). Canvas zipper tote by Filson. Shades by Matsuda. Suede gloves (in chest pocket) by Thom Browne (sz 9).

Thanks, as always, for reading.

A Denim Winter:Meltin Pot x The Urban Gent

We've recently teamed up with authentic Italian denim brand Meltin' Pot for a closer look into their Fall/Winter denim collection. We had the opportunity to create4 looks for Meltin' Pot, check them out below:

"The 90s Kid": I created an updated 90s look on Ben, by using the Meltin Pot Misfits which are truly skinny jeans, the jeans are paired with a Meltin' Pot shirt/jacket and topped off with a vintage buffalo plaid coat. To properly accessorize I opted for a classic Atlanta Hawks snapback, gold watch, and a 90s kidcloset staple– LA Gears.
Meltin Pot Items Worn: shirt/jacket (red white black )– MS007 T7183 RS05black denim– MISFITS D1401 RK002 (Also featured: vintage LL Bean Jacket)

"Urban Cowboy": Simple and southern, I paired a Meltin Pot denim shirt with the perfect dark denim Meltin Pot braces/suspenders jeans. To accent thedouble denim I added a pair of limited edition cowboy braces and tan rugged boots. This look stands alone well, but to push it a bit further I accessorized the look with a simple native print scarf and a gold pin. (cowboy hat optional, lol).
(Also featured: Limited Edition Trafalgar braces (use code RODEO: to get 10% off), andUGG Fallbrook boots)
"City Hermit": This look really ties into our urbane wanderer trend quite well. As if he's living in the desert, the city hermit wears a muted color palette to blend in with his environment– streets and buildings instead of sand dunes and stone plateaus. For this look I introduce my own spin on ombre, by creating color blocked ombre (see more details under Fall/Winter Tips). I start from the bottom with beige desert boots and I build up the color with beige and khaki socks, khaki slim fit Meltin' Pot chinos, and of course a double dose of brown-olive with the Meltin Pot callum shirt, and light-weight coat. I added a few optional hard-hitting accessories with the watch, camouflage scarf, and a heavy duty Chrome Pawn backpack.
"Untitled": It was hard for me to come up with a name for this look, but basically it focuses on the simple, yet stylish and manly "guy's guy". You know the man who watches sports, and likes style, but doesn't want to overdo it. He refuses to wear "that skinny shit", lol, but he's all about tailored, well-fitting clothing. For this look Ben wears a thermal shirt and vintage game-worn Georgia Tech football jersey underneath a Meltin' Pot's fur collar pilot's coat. And for his denim I choseMeltin' Pot's carrot fit jeans (the worn-in wash on these are fantastic). I keep the manliness going with a thick pair of navy/white knit socks, tall boots, vintage Navy hat, and optional rugby striped scarf.
(Also featured: UGG Carnero Boots)

Ankles on Display: That's right fully displayed, but socked up of course. Play around with fully displaying your socks this season. Meaning roll up our pants or push them up above your thick textured boot socks. You'll end up with a clean layering of boots-socks-pants. 
Plaid on Plaid: Plaid on Plaid on Plaid (you gotta say it like "stacks on stacks on stacks" though, lol). Plaid, ahh, boring right? Well let's revitalize it a bit. This summer we added army fatigue to it to give a boost, now just get raw with it– add plaid on plaid on plaid. But different pattern plaids, and in those cozy winter textures.
Colorblocked Ombre: Ombre is basically shades of color or different gradients of a color, usually going from light to dark. While women see this trend in their dresses, jackets, etc. men mostly see the ombre trend in accessories and maybe t-shirts. Well, we've put our Urban Gent spin on it, and have created "colorblocked ombre". Start from the top or bottom and gradually increase the intensity of the color you're wearing. We started with cream shoes, khaki and cream socks, khaki/olive trousers, then solid bold olive-brown shirt and jacket.
Braces/Suspenders: 'Tis the season for manning up, basically its getting cold so beards and 'staches are growing out. Complete the look with a pair of braces– that means they should button on, not clamp ;) .
Hint of Pattern:  Last year it was all about the hint of camouflage, now it's more all inclusive. Add a touch of something extra to your 'fit with a patterned highlight, whether it's camouflage, native prints, or anything else you may like.
Sock Season: Yep, it's sock season, and we're getting giddy like little kids, hehehe. Because these days a man has to have a couple pairs on deck that are pretty much specifically to be seen by those who gaze upon him. Patterns of all shades and sizes and colors are appropriate. (check back in a few weeks we're gonna have something special for you sock fiends). 
Denim on Denim: An Urban Gent oldie, but goodie. In the summer you double-denimed with lighter colors, for winter do it with darker denim. Add a few cowboy details to push it up a notch.
Preppy Hints: As much as I love classic prep gear, it's getting a bit hackneyed, right?! Yea, it is, so let's slow it down before we hate it and go the complete opposite into grunge-wear or something. To ease up on the prep, let's keep it to the accessories, like scarves.
 90s: Add a little 90s to your look whenever you can– snapbacks, simply oversized sneakers, gold accessories, whatever fits the bill.
Simple Accessories: It's fine to overdose here and there, but keep accessories simple. They should compliment not overtake your ensemble… think hat, watch, and patterned socks.